مقدمہ ابن الصلاح – ایک تعارفی مطالعہ (Introductory Study of the Book “Muqaddima Ibn Salah”)
Abu Amr Uthman ibn Abd al-Raḥman Ṣalaḥ al-Din al-Kurdi al-Shahrazuri (1181 CE/577 AH – 1245/643), commonly known as Ibn al-Ṣalaḥ, was a Kurdish Shafi'i hadith scholar. He was originally from Sharazora region in Sulaymaniyyah province in Iraqi Kurdistan, was raised in Mosul and then resided in Damascus, where he died. Ibn al-Ṣalaḥ died on Monday, September 18, 1245 CE/643 AH, at the age of sixty-six. His funeral prayer was performed at the congregational mosque of Damascus, to a crowd so large it required a second prayer to accommodate. The seminal book in the discipline of principles of hadith namely "Introduction to Science of Hadith" gave eternal status in this field. Muslims did leave no stone unturned to keep the Divine and Prophetic knowledge pristine pure. The truth is that it is the most comprehensive book on the hadith terminology which comprises on elaboration all types of traditions. All scattered issues relating to traditions have been consolidated in this book. The scholars, the writers, the compilers, the authors, the researchers, who came afterward, made this book their focus and wrote commentaries, abridgements, annexations, studies on it. The article gives handsome information about this book.