تربیت اطفال میں محبت کے پہلو- تعلیمات نبوی کی روشنی میں تحقیقی مطالعہ (The love and care in the training of the Children- An analytical study in the light of Prophetic guidance)
The moral teachings and precepts of the Divine Prophet and his moral behaviour is the best means of leading a child to his ideal life. It goes without saying that both in personal and in social life the observance of moral principles is required of all. This article is written with the aim of better upbringing of children of the present age. The article best illustrates the affectionate, patient, loving and caring behaviour and attitude of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) towards children. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was very kind and affectionate to children. He (PBUH) loved them and always treated them with immense kindness and gentleness. In the article the topic clearly discuses about the childhood stages, children’s religious, moral and social upbringing in the light of the behaviour and loving attitude that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had had. The article is divided into different main heading and each heading has an illustration to elaborate.