• Muhammad Umer Azim1, Zaheer Hussain2, Azhar Munir Bhatti3, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal4
Keywords: Recycling Vocabulary, Lexical Approach, Vocabulary Teaching, Vocabulary Learning, Language Teaching, Language Learning.


The basic motive behind this study is to elicit most practical solutions for recycling lexical items for better vocabulary learning. The importance of lexical items is highlighted in lexical approach and it is made synonymous to language learning in general. Importance of teaching vocabulary and significance of recycling in learning and retention of vocabulary set the background to elicit best ways/suggestions to practically use it for the benefit of learners. In this qualitative study data is collected from four focus groups which were purposefully created on the basis of the qualification and experience of the participants. Each focus group discussed the research questions and compiled their suggestions and presented a written and agreed document. They gave valuable suggestions for ‘book authors’, ‘teachers’, ‘learners’ and ‘test designers’.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Umer Azim1, Zaheer Hussain2, Azhar Munir Bhatti3, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal4. (2020). RECYCLING OF VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE. Epistemology, 7(1), 88-102. Retrieved from