• Dr. Muqarrab Akbar,Muhammad Omer Ch.,Syed Zahid Hussain Gillani,Muhammad Aqeel
Keywords: COVID-19; University, Online Learning, Education, Pakistan.


COVID-19 has not only affected the global economic order but also disrupted the education system of in person class teaching at global level. Pakistan is not also an exception to this. Pakistan, being a developing country, has already been facing economic problem that has further engraved due to widespread COVID-19. The only solution, in the absence of any vaccine or medicine, is social distancing. Starting from March 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 resulted in the beginning of online education due to closure of the University throughout Pakistan. Face to face class room teaching is not possible during this period of social distancing. Online teaching is the only possible solution to continue the teaching particularly at university level to complete their education on time to get ready to enter in practical life. Purpose: This study aims to identify the difficulties and problems of online teaching in Pakistan. Method: The data is collected by using Google form from almost 600 students, of different university across Pakistan, who were engaged in online learning through different platforms such as Google classroom, What’s app, Zoom, Skype etc. The collected data has been processed through statistical analysis by using SPSS. Conclusion: The research concludes that, on one hand, the access of different for online teachings are difficult to access for students, whereas on the other hand, the quality of education has been deteriorated due to multiple issues.


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How to Cite
Dr. Muqarrab Akbar,Muhammad Omer Ch.,Syed Zahid Hussain Gillani,Muhammad Aqeel. (2020). ONLINE LEARNING IN COVID 19: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTANI UNIVERSITIES. Epistemology, 7(1), 145-158. Retrieved from