Purpose-This research aims to determine the impact of employee training. The research proposes the mediating-moderating model on employee creativity. The mediator intrinsic motivation, mediates the relationship of employee training and employee creativity. The moderator task complexity moderates the relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee creativity. The focus of this study lies in implementing ways through which the employee creativity in a firm is increased.
Methodology- Convenience sampling uses to collect date through questionnaire from 250 individual employees are currently working in the corporate sector of Pakistan. Data was analyzed through structural equation modeling, which included the sections of confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis.
Result- The three hypotheses were accepted and supported by significant findings of existing researchers.
These findings help concluding that employee training if nurtured in the corporate sector of Pakistan would significantly alleviate the employee creativity in the working environment. Fruitful advantages can then be achieved by increasing employee creativity which would indirectly benefit the firm itself.
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