Methodology of Mūlānā Syed Shams-ul-Haq Afghāni's Tafsīr"Duroos ul Qur’an Al Hakīm"
سید شمس الحق افغانی ؒکی تفسیر ’’دروس القرآن الحکیم‘‘ کےمنہج کا تحقیقی مطالعہ
The cognizance of religion and the intellect of the Qur’an rests on the epexegesis of the Holy Qur’an. A large number of the people of Muslims Ummah have been absorbed in the epexegesis of the Holy Qur’an and they have left indelible marks in the history of the Holy Quran explanation. The Tafsir ‘‘Duroos ul Qur’an Al Hakeem’’ written by Syed Shams-ul-Haq Afghani occupies an illustrious place in the epexegesis of the Holy Qur’an. Mūlānā Afghani wrote the book "Uloom ul Qur’an" on the topic of Usool e Tafsīr in a unique style.In his tafsir, Mūlānā Afghani had made the explanation of qura’nic verses according to principles of his book "Uloom ul Quran". He endeavor to make the message of the Qur’an in scientific and modern way before the reciter of the Holy Qur’an by using different examples .He had keenly observed the bad conditions of the Muslims in his era and give the enticement the new generation to reform their problems in the light of Holy Qur’an