• Dr. Asim Iqbal1,Dr. Ghulam Mustafa2,Dr. Rana Tahir Naveed3,Dr. Muhammad Usman4 Maryam Zafar5
Keywords: Agglomeration; Agglomeration Economies; Gender Disparity; Poverty; Punjab


The basic Islamic sources reveal that Islam abominates poverty and gives a favorable structure to reduce it. The population growth, rural urban migration and poverty are the debateable issues particularly in the developing Islamic world. This paper investigates the spillover effects of population agglomeration on poverty in the Punjab. The data has been obtained from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) for the year 2011 which is conducted by the Punjab Bureau of Statistics (2011).  First, this study measures the poverty rate in different districts of Punjab. Secondly, this study used Logistic regression to examine the impact of population agglomeration, household head characteristics and demographic variables on poverty. The results show that regional disparity exist among different districts of Punjab in terms of poverty. Moreover, spillover effects of population concentration on average help to reduce poverty. The results show that education, wealth status of household head, gender of household head, household heads that are living in urban areas, occupation (working manually) and household heads who are living Gujranwala are less likely to being poor in Punjab, Pakistan. While the family size and marital statuses (married) are more likely to being poor. On the other hand, the variables age, age squared, Bahawalpur and Sargodha have no impact in determining poverty. Overall, the study suggest that due to population concentration, business activities of a particular district reduces poverty.


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How to Cite
Dr. Asim Iqbal1,Dr. Ghulam Mustafa2,Dr. Rana Tahir Naveed3,Dr. Muhammad Usman4 Maryam Zafar5. (2020). SPILLOVER EFFECTS OF POPULATION AGGLOMERATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN PUNJAB. Epistemology, 7(3), 44-58. Retrieved from http://journal.epistemology.pk/index.php/epistemology/article/view/153