Problems Faced by Emprisoned Women in Context with Islam and Review of the Steps taken to Resolve the Same

  • Umme Salma
Keywords: imprisoned women, restrained and captive, constricted women


Islam gives the women a large basic Rights, and provide a honor able place in society, The constricted women have many rights in Islam, Women in Pakistan have always fought to stability their internal and social lives; sometimes their own relatives and blood relations cheat them and make them act a criminal. The situation is getting poorest when they imprisoned. Jails should provide correctional services but ground realities are very different. Laws are made for the protection of women but Government is fail to implement them as well. Women also in police custody or in jail are in quite horrible and horrible situation. 3% of women’s children are living in jail, more than 60%, Majority of female prisoners are illiterate and uninformed of their lawful rights. These female prisoners blamed of many crimes actually dedicated by their male It is hard to complete their physical and mental state as they do not easily discuss their problems with anyone.

How to Cite
Umme Salma. (2020). Problems Faced by Emprisoned Women in Context with Islam and Review of the Steps taken to Resolve the Same . Epistemology, 4(1), 30-50. Retrieved from