اسلامی ریاست میں عوام الناس کو نظم وضبط کا پابند کرنے کے لئے تعلیمات نبویﷺ و مناہج

  • ڈاکٹر سیدہ سعدیہ
Keywords: See


The first Islamic State was established at Madina and this was a unique and model state for whole mankind due its principles and discipline. The Prophet s.a.w. is Allah’s blessing for whole humanity as he devised the primary rules of justice and impartiality and applied them in his state as a ruler. His state was state of peace, brotherhood and prosperity. His exemplary life was source of knowledge and inspiration for all regarding enforcement of law in territory. This is usual that masses disobey and violate the rules and then consider it a right to do so but his successful policies created such environment that without any fear and force all were ready to follow and comply. His basic rule of forgiveness with justice was the key to conquer the hearts of dwellers. Tool of punishment and coercive behavior was used rarely. A change in mind and hearts leaded to an integrated and cohesive environment. Everyone was with believe that ruler is his own and there is nothing against his benefits and contentment.

How to Cite
ڈاکٹر سیدہ سعدیہ. (2020). اسلامی ریاست میں عوام الناس کو نظم وضبط کا پابند کرنے کے لئے تعلیمات نبویﷺ و مناہج. Epistemology, 4(1), 142-173. Retrieved from http://journal.epistemology.pk/index.php/epistemology/article/view/91