Dr. Usman Ahmadeditor@epistemology.pkOpen Journal Systems<div class="features-coloured-icon-boxes-featurecol cp6cols"> <p class="">The Journal of Islamic studies (Epistemology) is a double blind peer reviewed, open access journal published annually by Probe & Find Forum Lahore, Pakistan since2014. The significance of Islamic education has increased to great extent in the modern day world. Many religious and spiritual issues have become complex for a common man. Answers to these and many other such issues can only be sought in pure and practical research in Islamic education. With these vital goals and sacred objectives probe & Find forum has launched its research journal named, ‘EPISTEMOLOGY-Journal of Islamic Studies’. Epistemology is meant to facilitate its research scholars in creating a comprehensive and global understanding of Islam. Journal aims to address the modern day issues in the light of the true teachings of Islam. Epistemology aims to promote scholarly research on contemporary issues and complexities of modern day world in addition to the orthodox approach of research. One of the basic aims of the Journal is to develop a close linkage between the intellectuals and a common man of the society with the help of scholarly research.</p> </div> STUDY ON THE ROLE OF SCOUTING IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN PUNJAB, PAKISTAN2020-11-10T10:00:22+00:00Dr. M. Tahir Nadeem 1, Muhammad Zeeshan, Areeba Shareef, Muhammad Ishtiaq<p>Scouting is a volunteer movement in Punjab working under the administrative control of the Governor of Punjab. The movement has two types of volunteers one scout and the other one are leaders to train the three sections of scouting; Shaheen, Boy Scout, and Rover. Movement scheduled different events for camping for the preparation and training through different courses. The title of the study was “A study on the role of scouting in community development in Punjab”. The main objectives of the study were; to explore the structure of scouting in Pakistan; to identify the factors which affect scouting activities in Punjab; to examine scouting activities and their effectiveness on scouts in Punjab. The population of the study was all the scouts and scout leaders of elementary, secondary, and higher secondary schools in Punjab province. The study was delimited to three districts of Punjab (Bahawalpur, Hafiz Abad, and Sargodha). From these three districts, three hundred and sixty scouts and one hundred and eight scout leaders were selected from fifty-four schools of the three districts. After collecting data, one data sheet was developed in SPSS version17 and interpreted by using its features of statistical formula’s frequency of the summed values, percentages, and means of all values. After analyzing data it was found that 44.87 percent of participants disagree that guidance regarding the scouting in their district is appropriate. 67.52 percent of participants agreed that scouting provides chances to all the scouts to promote their scout qualification. It is showed that 41.67 percent of participants disagreed that the course material of scouting is easily available. 48.29 percent of participants agreed that the study is suffered while the scouts and leaders are on scouting. In light of the findings of the research, it was concluded that the majority of the participant were agreed that scouting is an expensive activity; the majority of the participants disagreed that institutions don't permit the scouts and leaders for the scout courses and other events.</p>2020-11-10T09:58:54+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Epistemology