• Dr. Huma Ali1, Sabih.ul.hassan, Dr. Muhammad Shaukat Malik, Dr Muhammad Mubbashar
Keywords: Financial knowledge, Self-esteem, Self-control, Financial Anxiety


In the modern business world, the financial behavior of the businessmen is what really matters. The financial behavior of the businessmen is influenced by many factors through which the position of the business could be determined.  Our research work is based on the impact of financial knowledge, self-control, self-esteem and financial anxiety on financial behavior. Scholar have distributed questionnaire among 500 investors of Multan city; out of which 300 participants gave the response. Different statistical tests like Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis were used to draw the results. It was concluded after analysis that financial knowledge, self-control and self-esteem does affect financial behavior of investors. Similarly financial anxiety have relationship with financial behavior while financial anxiety mediates the relationship between financial knowledge, self-control, self-esteem and financial behavior. Present study is useful for investors and different businesses in order to determine how different factors can influence the financing behavior of different investors.


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How to Cite
Dr. Huma Ali1, Sabih.ul.hassan, Dr. Muhammad Shaukat Malik, Dr Muhammad Mubbashar. (2020). IMPACT OF COGNITIVE FACTORS ON FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR WITH MEDIATING ROLE OF FINANCIAL ANXIETY. Epistemology, 7(3), 82-99. Retrieved from